Would you like to win our giveaway? Would it help you to learn how a Kate Landers Events, LLC, event comes to life? How helpful would it be for you to learn how to design a party such as our Woodland Fairy Party, including tutorials on making some of the items featured, given hidden resources for products used?
Thank you to the over 90 of you who have already commented on our giveaway...we are almost halfway to the 200 comments we need in order to share this amazing giveaway with you, and everyone, learning so many incredible tricks and tips that will help you in planning your next event--ideas that will apply far beyond a Woodland Fairy Party Theme!
And a tremendous applause to you all who have helped up boost our facebook fans, inching our way closer to the 2300 we need by Monday, August 16th at 11:59pm EST, for the giveaway to be available to all!
Unfortunately, we aren't there yet, the end is drawing near, and we could really use your help!
I ask, if you believe this giveaway is something you could really use, something that you and maybe even your blog followers or facebook fans would love to have--if you might be able to help us reach our goal--by sharing it with your fan base and followers?!?!?
If so, I believe everyone who has entered thus far (over 100 of you!) would greatly appreciate it!
Do you have a fabulous party blog? A great facebook fanpage? Would you want your readers to hop in and give them the opportunity to win too? If yes, I invite you to share the link to our giveaway, here:
It would be such a treat to be able to share this amazing giveaway with you all! I ask for your help in getting us all there! You can share our facebook fan page link here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Kate-Landers-Events-LLC/145628397661?ref=ts
If you so desire, please feel free to create a blog post about it, a facebook message, a tweet...anything! Suggest our facebook page to your friends, and have them suggest to theirs as well!
And of COURSE, please let us know how you helped, as I would love to thank you, and give you the recognition you deserve!
Thank you kindly, and the best of luck!
OMG... It will really help me!!!! i am actually planning my daughter's B-Day for September, and it is a Fairy Party theme... I love all you events... so beautiful!
Kate, until now I had not found Life: Beautiful in my area, but I noticed it yesterday at JoAnn's. I purchased it immediately and was so thrilled to read your feature article. Everything about it was so over-the-top beautiful and feminine -- you, your party goods and the article itself. Congratulations!
Perfect timimg....Baby girl is going to be 1! Thanks for the opportunity!!
Beautiful!!! Perfect for a 1st birthday bash!
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