Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chocolate Bird Nests for Woodland Fairy Party

By popular request, I wanted to share with you the recipe for the chocolate bird nests we made for the "Woodland Fairy Birthday Party" featured yesterday.

They are incredibly simple to make, and taste fabulous!

All you need are the large shredded wheat biscuits, crumbled (I would say 6-8 per pound, you just need to decide how brown you want them), and 2 pounds of chocolate (ie chocolate chips are great).

You melt the chocolate in a double-boiler over med high heat until all just melted, then pour carefully into bowl of shredded wheat (already broken up biscuits). Wait for chocolate to cool (less than a minute) and prepare to get your hands dirty (food-safe gloves recommended)!

Just mix together until it is very, very thick.

Using parchment paper to line the inside of whatever shape you want your nests to be in (cupcake tin, bowl--your choice!), take a large scoop and place on the parchment paper in that container.

You will then press the mixture up against the sides and down against the bottom until it is in desired shape--may need to add more to thicken walls of nest.

Let harden by leaving at room temp, or to speed up, put on cookie sheet and stick in the fridge for an hour or two.

When done, carefully peel of parchment paper, and you have your yummy chocolate nest!!!



  1. Thanks so much! I am having a chicken themed party and these will be perfect!

  2. I can't wait to try these for a bird/garden theme party coming up! thanks!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  3. I make these each Easter...only small version with jelly beans as eggs and shredded coconut instead of shredded wheat. Never thought about using bowls to make larger ones as serving cute!
