What would you like to ask the editors of Martha Stewart? How about her creative directors? Martha herself, perhaps? Let me be your eyes, ears, and maybe even your voice! Have something to say? READ ON!
There is this party tomorrow evening, and a number of people in the party planning and design blogging world have been invited to attend--a huge opportunity, and blessing, bestowed upon each and every person given this tremendous gift.

There are also many people, however, who weren't given this opportunity, and for those of you who might feel that you were rejected or not seen for your creative talent and vision: I do not believe that is the case whatsoever.
Why? Somehow my invitation got "lost in the mail" (aka, I DIDN'T GET ONE!). I actually requested an invitation--that's right, I admit it. I really, *REALLY* wanted to go, and so I twittered and requested an invitation (if there was room left, and fortunately for me there was), as well as several other people, who also requested invitations.
So before you start to fear that you were left out or "didn't make the cut"--I want you to know, that there are many of us attending, who requested the opportunity, and it was graciously granted to us.
I want to go to this exciting event, and meet so many wonderful people who do such creative work I admire so much (especially Martha Stewart and Amy Atlas!), and I am still fussing over what to wear.
However, I also want to go as a team member--on behalf of anyone who isn't going, who would have liked to have gone--and wants to be a part of it.
I would love to be your eyes, your ears, and your voice! I consider myself just a team representative, the lucky one getting to go on this exclusive journey--but not just for myself--rather, I consider myself having the responsibility, for all of us who want to be there!
Therefore, I invite you to comment with your names, websites, e-mails, blogs, and any questions you would like me to ask on your behalf. Or if you want to keep it private, send me an e-mail, to landers.kate@gmail.com!
We are driving down late morning, so send your notes SOON, and I intend to take them all with me, and if possible, hand to the lovely event hosts themselves, introducing them not just to me (the person there physically) but to all of you as well!!
Hi Kate! I should be there. Would love to meet you! Have a great time.
What a great idea Kate and so sweet of you. Fortunately I am able to attend, but admire your willingness to think of others and share this wonderful opportunity with everyone.
I'll be going too! And I am really hoping to get a chance to meet you- your work is so lovely and inspiring!
Safe driving!
oh my gosh I would have totally wanted to go if I knew about it! haha Next time let me know! Have fun!!! Cant wait to hear all your exciting news! Also if anyone has kids, preg or talks about kids design you know who to plug in for that ...if anyone wants a great online mag you have a place for them too haha
Same here Priscila...so Kate have fun for us!
I would love to take the leap. I am a mommy of 3 girls, 1 year old twins and a 3 year old. I work full time and want to start up my own business so that I can work from home. My goal is to work my you know what off for one year doing both so that when I leave my job I can have some money all ready coming in. I would love any words of wisdom possible. I have signed up for dreamers to doers all ready. I am a little worried because some co-workers follow my blog and are my facebook friends so I don't know how to do this without their knowledge! Any suggestions??
Thanks for the opportunity
Hi Kate :)
Have a wonderful time!
What a great opportunity for you and so kind of you to share.
Can't wait to hear the details. Enjoy!
What a great post. You know, you have a gift for telling a story and I was so captivated by the way you write. You, humbly, shared how you requested to go to the event. I often feel like I am not "part of the party blog world " LOL So I was a bit disappointed that I did not get an invite and sooo would have loved to! I recently found your blog and I love your tone in your entires, you seem so absolutely sweet, and humble as I mentioned earlier. Even the way you describe your readers comments as "kind words" say you are so very thoughtful of others and it reflects on your objective of this post of extending a hand to your readers. I have not even begun to go on about how much your work totally rocks too! Thank you for your blog Kate. I very much enjoy it.
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