Monday, December 20, 2010

2010 Reflections & Wrap Up

2010 has brought me many, many great opportunities for learning and growth. Often, from my experiences, mentors, family members and peers. I want to share with you my incredible gratitude for the many, many blessings bestowed upon me.

This year has been full of surprises and enormous gifts that I do not wish to ever, ever take for granted. They were exactly that--gifts, and privileges.

Over the last 12 months, I have also faced many challenges, again great opportunities for me to learn, reflect and grow.

Over the next couple of days I will be sharing with you my two final blog posts of the year, featuring children's parties of 2010 that you submitted! Thank you for the incredible inspiration, and sharing your amazing talent!

After those posts, I will be taking a vacation to spend time with my family. As you may recall my precious grandmother passed away in July, and my grandfather is coming out here from California to spend the holidays with us. I cannot wait to savor every moment with him--I am sure it will be a time for healing and grace.

I will not be working during my vacation--therefore any e-mails, phone calls, orders, inquiries or social media messages received during that time will be addressed after my return the first week of January.

As I wrap up things from this incredibly blessed year, I wanted to update you on two projects I look forward to diving into in 2011: The Party Design Contest from August/September, as well as The School of Children's Party Design.

First, The Party Design Contest: something that was so incredibly exciting for me personally. This was an idea that fueled me with passion, and was full of the purest of intentions of inspiring others to recognize that they indeed were far more talented and creative than they ever dreamed of.

Having been blessed with some resources that allow me to design, create, photograph and publish parties on my blog or elsewhere, I wanted to do nothing more than SHARE that gift, as it was far too great to keep to myself.

Truth be told, I am certain that these gifts are not mine and mine alone--they are meant to be shared!

With loads of excitement and joy driving me, I decided to create a party design contest for my faithful, talented and thoughtful readers. I was BEYOND grateful that many incredibly talented men and women decided to enter the contest (that alone, even having one entry--is a gift!).

I tried to lay out detailed entry rules and explain how the party designs would be judged. I did all of this to the very best of my abilities.

In retrospect, I wish I had done some things differently. In particular, mentioning a very important detail that got left out--the date  {January/February 2011} that the party design would be created and published {}!!!!! A mistake I regret!

I apologize for any confusion or misunderstanding my oversight of sharing this timeframe for the completion of the party design, may have caused you. I greatly value, respect and admire each and every person who showed me such tremendous respect and admiration by entering the contest in the first place.

So to those of you who have shown nothing but kindness and patience--a tremendous thank you!

And to not forget to share details this time {change is good!}: I will be in touch with each winner/runner-up in January 2011 if not sooner, via e-mail, to discuss more details of this very fun project, which I simply cannot wait to work on!!!

I look forward to revealing the party with you on my blog, in either January or February, 2011--and should any delay come up for any reason (not anticipating this), I will let you know the moment I do, giving you an updated expected date of publication!

And now, for The School of Children's Party Design! Another very fun adventure, driven by my passion and desire to help celebrate the lives of each child, one party at a time.

My dream is to create a school of children's party design that offers programs taught by the very best in each subject, giving all who attend the best possible education I could ever provide. 

 Through the surveys so many of you completed (THANK YOU!), I have come to learn that the majority of those interested in the party school wish to learn party design skills for personal use more than business skills.  There is also a significant cost differential. Not to mention, a wide geographical span.

 This information was incredibly helpful and insightful! 

So analyzing loads of wonderful information, I have been putting much thought into it, and am thrilled to share with you my solution.

 I want everyone interested in the school of children's party design to be able to receive valuable information, insight and advice, sooner than later!

 Therefore I will be running a mini "school of party design" series on my blog, held sometime within the first quarter of 2011, that will teach the most desired aspects of children's party design {based on your survey results} by myself and more importantly, by experts I contact who will volunteer their time to share their advice with you generously in the blog series! Most likely this party school series will come in the form of standard blog posts.

I should note that the ONLY topics to be covered {unfortunately not ALL topics will be covered} will be those that

a) were most requested via survey results


b) I can find a lovely expert to share their advice and input on.

Hopefully this will provide some helpful hints, resources and insight for everyone interested in the school of children's party design.

I look forward to these two VERY exciting projects coming up in early 2011, that you have so graciously shown interest in, and great patience in regards to.

For a final note... another lessoned I learned this year, is in regards to e-mail and social media messages.

I have learned that technology isn't perfect and can cause misunderstandings and communication errors (and messages can end up in the land of the lost!) 

Specifically, several e-mails and some twitter messages spanning between late summer through present day, have been rejected, delayed or never received--incoming or outgoing {heart sinks}.

As soon as I discovered this, I set up an outgoing e-mail message from my primary business e-mail account stating that should you need to reach me, please do so at landers.kate@gmail.comMy apologies for the frustration this may have caused you.

In addition to that, I realized that my system for e-mail communication is not ideal. I unfortunately haven't been able to respond to every e-mail as promptly as I would like. My most sincere apologies!

One of the most dear lessons learned this year, is that there is an amazing number of brilliantly talented, extraordinary women, who I have had the great honor of "meeting" through the blog world and business. I feel truly blessed for each and every one of you--thank you for the privilege of getting to know you, and work with you!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post featuring some of the very important things I have learned over the last 12 months.

Cheers to the New Year and what lies ahead!


  1. Just wanted to say, you are doing a great job! Thanks for being an inspiration.

  2. Enjoy your time with your grandfather, Kate! Merry Christmas to you! Looking forward to the new year and all of your amazing inspiration =)

  3. Thank you for sharing so much of your self, your work, your heart this year. I look forward to seeing all that unfolds for you in 2011.

  4. Have a very wonderful holiday, Sweets! Be merry and spend time with the ones you love! Thank you for bringing such inspiration to your readers :) Love, Wendy

  5. I wish you a wonderful Christmas with your Grandfather and I know you will soak up every moment! Sorry about the lost emails, but great idea about the auto response! You have shown me such kindness and support since I started in this biz and that is sooo appreciated! Merry Christmas!

  6. Kate, What a heartwarming post. As always, your grace and kindness shine brightly through your writing. I look forward to both your project! Have a restful vaca!
    Merry Merry
    Genevieve =)
