I am thrilled to share with you a most incredible gift bestowed upon me: the amazing opportunity I was given to share my story of my life, and the most amazing gift of Kate Landers Events, LLC, in...
Life: Beautiful Magazine
Summer 2010 Issue
I have loved Life: Beautiful magazine since I first set eyes on it. Every issue features the most stunning photography, truly beautiful images of fabulous ideas for style & entertaining, decorating, as well as articles and features full of inspirational substance. I personally find the magazine deeply inspirational and fulfilling, and am so happy to be a part of it.
As you may know from a previous post, my dearest grandmother is now in hospice care, and she was so very excited about the chance to see her granddaughter in a publication as beautiful as this one.
Therefore, Life: Beautiful quickly responded to my request for her to have the opportunity to see it while she still graces us with her presence here on earth. Within hours they offered to overnight ship (this is still before the magazine hit newstands this past weekend) copies to her.
I am thrilled to share that my grandmother did get to see the magazine, view all the stunning photos and have my grandfather read to her the story. I am told that she keeps it by her bedside 24 hours, 7 days a week. That is just incredible, I am so grateful to Life: Beautiful. My eyes are welling up with tears of joy as I write this!
I hope you might get the opportunity to pick up a copy for yourself. I was given the opportunity to style a custom party for the magazine: a precious gingham-themed birthday party, loaded with old fashioned charm. The photography is nothing short of spectacular.
The issue also features a couple of amazing "adventurers" as we are called, and I feel tremendously honored and humbled to even be next to two such amazing people. Wow.
When digital images are available, I will certainly share them with you, but in the mean time, I wanted to share with you this exciting news that I have been holding in for so many months now.
Thank you for reading this post, and I would absolutely *love* to hear from you after you see the magazine and read the entire feature. You mean so very much to me, and I hope you find the article and party inspiring!

...Oh, and there is my custom template and how-to instructions for creating my designer fabric ruffle-trimmed party hats in the issue, too!
Feeling truly blessed! Still pinching myself to see if this is real (oh yes, it is!).
How incredibly exciting. Congratulations. Can't wait to see the pics. You are just amazing.
i am SO happy for you! and what a sweet blessing that your sweet Grandmother got to see it too!
That is so fantastic. Congratulations! I can't wait to see the images. Enjoy :)
That is so fantastic. Congratulations! I can't wait to see the images. Enjoy :)
This is so fabulous, beautiful, and inspiring, Kate! So excited for you, your grandmother, and all your future successes!
Congratulations Kate! I'm overjoyed at the blessing that's been given to you. You truly deserve this incredible feature, your work is amazing and I am always inspired everytime I visit your blog and shop. I'm so glad you were able to spend this special moment with your grandmother. You have reminded me of the importance of spending time with my own grandmother as they find so much joy in each of our successes.
Congratulations and I can't wait to see the spread!
Brandi @ Tweedle Dee Designs
I'm so happy for you Kate! What a wonderful gift for your grandmother to see. Look forward to seeing the photos.
Congratulations my friend!
Knowing your grandmother got to see that just makes me so happy for you and her. How special that is! Congratulations!!!!
that's such a lovely story about your grandmother. So glad she got to see you in print.
Congrats~ that's so sweet♥
This opportunity is incredible! And that magazine is one of my TOP FAVORITES! I am in love with each issue. I remember being so shocked to see YOU in in awhile ago!! :) :) I'm sure you're simply beaming inside. That is beautiful about your Grandma and the magazine.
OH Kate I am absolutely thrilled for you! What a wonderful company to send your grandmother a copy as well. I know how excited my grandmother was when I send her a copy of a magazine I was featured in. Words cannot express how happy I am for you!!
Oh, Kate!! I'm so glad that your grandma got to see your feature! What a double blessing that is!! CONGRATS again!
I teared up reading it! Congratulations! Can't wait to see the feature!!
Oh, Kate, congratulations! That is such a beautiful magazine. What a well-deserved honor for you to be featured. And doubly precious because you were able to share the joy with your grandmother.
Congratulations, so well deserved :)
Congrats!! You go gal!! :)
OH Kate! Congratulations! I am so excited to hear about your amazing feature and I can't wait to pick up my copy!!
That is so special, Kate. Many congratulations to you. How wonderful that your grandmother saw the story and so touching about your grandfather reading it to her; it brought tears to my eyes. So eager to see the pictures of the gingham party!
Kate, that is such amazing news. Congratulations again!
I'm so very excited for you Kate. What a wonderful opportunity and so well deserved. And my heart goes out to you for your grandmother. I recently lost mine to a sudden stroke and it's so very hard. My prayers are with you and your family.
How incredibly wonderful! Congratulations!!
Such wonderful news, Kate! Congratulations, Superstar!;)
So exciting. Congrats!
Hi Kate,
I saw the issue last week and was so excited to see you in there.
The magazine did a wonderful job telling your story and showcasing your many talnets--the party was precious!
I am so thrilled to hear not only about this amazing opportunity for you, but that the magazine was kind enough to allow your grandmother a copy--how very sweet! This truly makes your news even more special and the magazine.......a must buy!
Enjoy your day and again, congratulations on this well deserved honor.
Baton Rouge, LA
Congratulations Kate!
I´m in Mexico and cant wait to see digital pics.
Hi Kate! Such great news and I am going to hunt a copy down where I am. Congrats again!
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